getimiskon's space
Name: getimiskon (or gettie for short)
Interests: system administration, services hosting, radio production, music production, cooking
Services: xmpp fediverse sakisafe irc mumble radio git terms of service status
HTTP mirrors: clearnet codeberg pages neocities opennic tor i2p
Other protocols: gemini gopher
Webrings: gettie's webring (prev/next) lainring fediring (prev/next) cozyring no ai (prev/next)
Other links: rss feed fedi retrospring

Made with GNU Emacs Works with Links 512kb Club Blue Team CozyRing benis KawaiiMeowz ad044 RedXen Chaox Cozynet Utsuho Rocks sizeof(cat) interloper raccoon den daudix ezio omada nergen vendell waifu reisen church theoryware dex1 gato_garden prahou Omnipresence Viewable with any browser Join the Fediverse Enter the Void LeftWM Say no to Web3 A.C.A.B. ace/enby Powered by Navi CC-BY Hacker emblem No Nazis